
 After I set up, how long does it take for things to start working?

Many of the changes you make have immediate effect. The ones that don't tend to involve DNS or...

 Does it matter if filenames are uppercase or lowercase?

Yes it does. We use Unix systems, which employ a case-sensitive filesystem. It is entirely...

 I uploaded a new page, but my browser still shows the old one. What should I do?

This is caused by the mechanism we use to efficiently distribute your content within our...

 Is adding an alias to my site or creating DNS for a domain the same as registering it?

No. Domain registration is an entirely separate and required step if you want to use a domain...

 Should I make my own backups of my web site?

Yes. You should adopt a backup policy that assumes we are storing crates of sweaty dynamite on...

 What is the difference between Domain Registration, DNS Service, and a web site?

This is a source of much confusion to people new to setting up websites as well as to many...